LittleBigPlanet To Add Sticker Import From Hard Drive
Might not sound all that cool, at least to some, but this is something that was originally stated was most likely never going to be an option within the game. What is that? Since I might not have been totally clear with the heading, looks like MM is working on a way to import images from the Hard Drive instead of just using your PSEye or USB Camera to get these images into your levels. Might not sound all that cool, but think of it in the aspect of people who are also trying to get their art skills out there as well as their designing skills out there. Right now an artist has to take a screen shot from a camera to do this. With this new update, they will be able to get the original right into the level. Also a great way to think of it, you can jazz up your slide shows by using LBP to scroll through you images for your family. Think about that.
This is still stated as a "might be" in the game, but the below image shows the option in action. But in the end, there has been no official word on this as of this writing. But it does look like it will most likely be coming to a LBP World near you soon. By the end of the year if the rumors are right.
Now here is something really cool I have been playing with since I heard about it early this morning. This is a web site that is dedicated to inspiring you and others for levels and costume designs for LBP. Kind of cool in general, but there is a few more deeper things once you get in and actually log in with your PSN Account.
Once you get in, not only can you link all of your social networking stuff and YouTube videos for the game, but there is an awesome little flash application built in as well. What does it do? Well it is a BluePrint application that lets you build basic outlines for your LBP levels in flash and then print it out to use in front of your PS3. Very cool little tool. Although it only has the very basic of tools to use. By basic I mean somewhere around 48 or so. But it is enough to get inspired and play around afterwards.
On top of that, you can post the above BluePrints and other things for your fellow LBP artists to gain a few interesting ideas to build from. Very interesting stuff.
Barack Obama elected President of LittleBigPlanet
Finally, a little LBP and topical information. Mainly a short video and level made for the Election that took place. From the first look of it, it looks like it was made solely for Obama, but I think it was designed for who ever won last night. Just watch and you can see how it could have been used in the instance that the Reds one instead of the Blues. But it is kind of a cool little extra thing that can be done with this game.