Far Cry Primal
A new Far Cry Primal video has emerged to the net and it shows off all the basics of Far Cry Primal that we will need to become experts in to master the game
We've seen a lot of great gameplay for Far Cry Primal up to now but not much of it has given any real great insight on how the mechanics and gameplay for the game will and can be mastered by us. One could just assume that Ubisoft wanted all of us to figure it all out when February 23rd rolls around and we all start to see Far Cry Primal on our PS4, Xbox One, or PC. Of course that is an assumption and it looks like it would be false as we have a new "101" video for Far Cry Primal that shows a good portion of the ins and outs of the games world, tools, and mechanics.
Of course this new video does show us quite a bit of what we've seen before in Far Cry Primal as long as you've been following the game closely. We know we will have to search and hunt for materials to craft new weapons and tools to stay alive. We know that we will get to hunt and use prehistoric animals in the game. We've also seen that the overall goal for the main "hero" of Far Cry Primal is to survive and reclaim his lost people so humanity can live on. What we haven't seen much of would be the other tribes out there who will also be posing a threat to Takkar and his people. That is where the real fun comes in.
Far Cry Primal — 101
It has been touched on before, no doubt, in terms of the enemy tribes in Far Cry Primal but I would have to say that this would be the first real showing of them here. We have the cannibals and the religious zealots from my take of it here. Of course it could also be looked at as the true primitives and the advanced culture where Takkar is the middle class, so to say, in Far Cry Primal. Mastering fire back in those times would be the equivalent of mastering nuclear power and so forth now wouldn't it? Of course it would. Looks like all kinds of insanity will be back in in the franchise with Far Cry Primal and I look forward to it.
Enough from me though, what do you think of Far Cry Primal now that you've seen even more? Is it the breath of fresh air that the franchise needed or should it have been a new IP without the title? How advanced do you think that our tools will get in Far Cry Primal without sacrificing all of the work the team put in to make it as authentic as we could possibly know? Let us know your thoughts and discuss in the comments below. I am hoping for more on Far Cry Primal out of Ubisoft here as we get closer to release day and when we get it on we will have it up on the site. Be sure to stick around for more as it comes.