Two big video game conventions happened and are still going on this week which in turn means we had a lot to cover. New updates, rumors, releases, announcement, and all that video game jazz. We also had you covered all week with our special little flair added in the mix. From things like the Mortal Kombat X rumors to the announcement of Rock Band 4 and the release date for Mad Max and The Phantom Pain. That includes all of the video game new in between too.
I'm not a huge fan of rumors when it comes to my video games either but we had too many of those mixed in this week for my liking. Although some of them would be greatly appreciated if they came true but we'll have to wait and see. Video games are a fickle bitch after all. That doesn't sound exactly right but hopefully you get the gist of what I am saying here. We all love video games and need the news.
Enjoy everything we had to bring you this week in terms of video game news. Hopefully you find it all enlightening and uplifting. Happy gaming all!
- Mortal Kombat X Is Also Coming To Mobile Devices Now
- Step Into The Shadows Of Final Fantasy XV Dungeons
- The New Amplitude Will Let Us Team Up On Expert Players
- We Have A Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Release Date
- Mad Max Is Still Coming But Only For The Next Gen Systems
- Let's Get Ready To Crummmbllllllle As ClayFighter Remastered Is Coming
- B.J. Blazkowicz Has A New Adventure In Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
- Sentris Is Making The Move Over To The PS4
- Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain's Collector Edition & New MGO Info
- Rock Band 4 Is Officially Announced For PS4 & XB1
- Alien Isolation Could Have Been A Third Person Experience
- Ninjas Are Coming To Dying Light To Slay Zombies
- Rumor: Another Two Characters For Mortal Kombat X?
- Overwatch Has Two New Characters To Add To The Roster
- Is PlayStation Starting A Firmware Beta Program On The PS4?