Others are stating that it has been confirmed that Johnny Cage will be coming back for Mortal Kombat X. Others as in other outlets who are basing this all off of a recent interview, that has been pulled offline by Warner Bros., where one of the senior producers on Mortal Kombat X stated directly that Johnny would be playable in the full version of the game. This interview comes from Game Crate and has been spread all over by now but it looks like the PR cleanup crew has been doing their job to keep character announcements on their terms and not a slip up by some of the people working on the game.
Here is the quote that has cause all the stir for Mortal Kombat X today. Granted this also comes from reports that you can see Mr. Cage on screen in the story trailer as Raiden traps Shinnok. You can see that too and then you be the judge on his inclusion into Mortal Kombat X.
"You'll get to play as Johnny Cage, but we're also showing Cassie Cage, who is the daughter of Sonya and Johnny," Adam Urbano (Senior Producer at NetherRealm) said. "You'll get a chance to see Kenshi and a chance to see a couple more." |
Mortal Kombat X — Story Trailer
Like I said though, all of the original talk about this and the interview have been pulled offline. Some may say this gives credit to the new Mortal Kombat X rumor but it could also be something along the lines of being misleading and the developer quoted incorrect information. You can take that as you will for Johnny Cage. I did say that there was two possible characters for Mortal Kombat X though didn't I?
That leads us into the next "rumor" that was also mentioned above. Kenshi in Mortal Kombat X. It was also mentioned by Mr. Urbano in the aforementioned interview but images of the character have cropped up in the Mortal Kombat X Mobile announcement as well. Granted, the two are different games that just link together so the character could be playable in Mortal Kombat X mobile in a way but not in the full version of Mortal Kombat X we will be getting on April 14th. I'd error on that side of the fence there but of course the internet and click bait sites will have you foaming at the mouth hoping for both of those characters to be in the game proper. It's how they make money.
Mortal Kombat X — Mobile Trailer
I'll be honest; I couldn't care about either character making it into Mortal Kombat X in one way or another. Neither are my favorites from the past and they have their own descendants in the mix of Mortal Kombat X already. I get that they will most likely show up in the narrative of the game but if they are playable that is good news for those out there who want to use them. I'll be fine with what has been announced for Mortal Kombat X already. Granted even if they are in the narrative that does mean that the characters have been created, rigged, and would just need the animations and attack to make them playable in future DLC but that is getting ahead of the game before it has even launched.
What do you think though? I asked for your Mortal Kombat X thoughts above and now is your chance to give them just below. Head down to the comments and let us know what you think of the rumors or if you even care to have these characters in Mortal Kombat X. The world is listening…