We've had a look at all of the wild life out in the open for Final Fantasy XV but what about what goes on in the underground, cramped location we will have to delve into? We now have that covered due to new footage that Square Enix has released into the wilds of the internet. It also gives us all a nice look at how the combat will be handled. At least this is all based off the Final Fantasy XV Episode Duscae demo that will be out here in a short time so it could be altered as we move forward but it is unlikely to be by much.
It is short and sweet so please take your time and watch what we have for Final Fantasy XV just below these words. Fans won't be let down for sure.
Final Fantasy XV — Dungeon Gameplay
I am truly loving the dynamic lighting that will help make Final Fantasy XV look more next-gen than it should; if that can even be a phrase. It does also give us a cool look at how "surprise" attacks can occur in Final Fantasy XV as the guys are just having a jolly romp through the cave and then what look like goblins just drop down. I am not sure if this is something scripted just for this "dungeon" but it makes sense given the lore and franchise history. We can't escape all combat in Final Fantasy XV after all or the game would become stagnant and no level progression.
I do wish that we were able to see more on the sword swapping in combat for Final Fantasy XV or at least how the menu system will/could work for combat. I know I didn't see anything being selected yet there were special moves firing off. Could we be looking at a fighting game style of command system for Final Fantasy XV? It could be. Although it could also just be how the video was cut with a mix of "hot keys" being mapped to fire off some of the moves that we saw here for Final Fantasy XV. We'll hopefully all find out here on March 17th when the demo hits the PS4 and Xbox One.
What did you think of what you just saw for Final Fantasy XV? Do you think the commands could be something akin to pulling off a move in Street Fighter? Would that make a great change for Final Fantasy XV? Give us your thoughts in comment form down below.