You may remember a few months back when we first heard about #KillAllZombies. Yes? No? Either way it looks like Beatshapers is gearing up for the launch of #KillAllZombies on the PS4 here for tomorrow. That is at least for the North American region as the EU release date has still yet to be finalized or announced. Given the concept behind #KillAllZombies though that still won't lock them out of the fun of the game. At least in a basic way.
To refresh you on #KillAllZombies it is an arena shooter where contestants are in the business of killing all the zombies and business is-a-booming. The twist on it all is that the arena changes and/or floods with zombies or perks based on the comments of those watching you play on Twitch. That would be where everyone who has the ability to watch the Twitch streams of #KillAllZombies will be able to play along even if the game has yet to launch in their territory. At least that is something right? It'll tide you all over if you were overly excited for #KillAllZombies.
#KillAllZombies — Launch Gameplay Trailer
I still have my reservations on #KillAllZombies and how Beatshapers will combat trolling via Twitch but it does look like it could be one fun title to play. It is an interesting risk that the developer is taking and hopefully it will pay off in the end. If anything #KillAllZombies will be one fun little ride until the dicks of the internet take over and force people to only play offline. Let us hope that doesn't happen for now.
Like I said, you can pick up #KillAllZombies on the PS4 after the PlayStation Store is updated for this week's content. #KillAllZombies will be $13.99 USD once that all happens and hopefully I'll see you all in the arena.