It's been a fun week in video games has it not? I know it has been here as we've had not one, not two, but three game reviews go live on the site here. This is only the start of things as we get into the heavy review season and I personally can't wait. Destiny, Anomaly 2, and Forza Horizon 2 are just the tip of the iceberg as we move into fall. In the coming weeks I have a feeling that we are going to have loads more for you on the site to help you decide if you need to spend the time and money on specific titles or not. Nice of us all.
That is not to say that we will not be bringing you the latest and greatest in video games news though. Besides the reviews we were able to tackle quite a bit in general. This includes all the new footage for Final Fantasy XV and the weapons of The Order: 1886. Also we had a new look at Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell and the new co-op mode for Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare. It looks like there is a never ending stream of news coming out in the world of video games and we will keep it all flowing just for you.
As usual, here is a list everything we were able to cover this week in the arena of video games. Have fun going through the list and as always happy gaming.
- The New Hotwire Multiplayer For Battlefield Hardline Looks Intense
- The Live Action Sunset Overdrive Trailer Isn't Upon Us
- There Is A Wealth Of New Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Information
- Some New Final Fantasy XV Gameplay And Details
- New Resident Evil Revelations 2 Gameplay Takes Franchise Back To Horror
- All Those Wonderful Toys Of The Order: 1886
- Welcome To New Hades In Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell
- The Art Of Misdirection In Alien Isolation
- Review: Destiny
- Review: Forza Horizon 2
- Iron Man & Exo Survival in Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Now
- Review: Anomaly 2
- Time To Get To Know Pagan Min Of Far Cry 4
- Time To Go Behind The Scenes Of Styx: Master Of Shadows
- Let's Go Inside The Mind And Art Of The Evil Within