Fortunately for everyone who wanted to see more gameplay for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain outside of the similar demos from E3 and Gamescom, we are in luck as we have a fresh new look from the TGS. Unfortunately it is all in Japanese so unless you can speak or read the language you are going to have to just go on all of the new and pretty visuals that Kojima showed off for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Don't worry too much as all of it makes perfect sense and you are only really missing out on the dialog for the scenes and slight commentary provided.
First up we have a new look at the overly sexualized character of Quiet for The Phantom Pain. With the below trailer it looks like there is quite a bit more to the character than most have assumed up until now. I still don't think that what she is wearing is tactically intelligent even knowing that she can go invisible and move like a teleporter. As this trailer shows it doesn't make here completely safe and immune to bullets. Maybe this will be better explained as we find out how she fits into everything. I'm calling a Sniper Wolf connection now.
Quiet & Snake Trailer
Now that the whistle is wet here we can dive right into the bulk of new gameplay for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. In fact there are another twenty minutes and then some that show off more on Quiet and some other new gear that Snake will be employing why he does what he does best. These gadgets include a new inflatable decoy of Snake and a shock option for his robotic hand. To go one step even cooler it looks like Lisa of P.T fame (that would be the ghost) is an option to use as one of the decoys. Nice cameo there.
Here, have a nice long look at some new Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain gameplay.
Gameplay Demo
Lastly here, it looks like there is another animal added into the mix for The Phantom Pain in the form of Diamond Dog. DD for short. That bad ass looking wolf with an eye patch for those who have heard about it already or glanced down. I am not sure what kind of role DD will play in The Phantom Pain in whole but it looks like he is a nice little wolf cub that Snake picks up during a mission and grows into a companion of sorts. If I had to guess I'd say that he will act much like Riley did in CoD but then again, this is Kojima. That could be way off.