If you've been reading over the last few weeks you will have seen much on Styx: Master Of Shadows from Cyanide and Focus Home Interactive. If you've been reading a lot longer than that then you also know that I am a fan of seeing how our beloved games are actually made. Well it looks like we are all in for a treat here as we have not one, not two, or three, but four new behind the scenes videos for Styx: Master Of Shadows. Yea, there is a whole lot here to see what went into their PS4, Xbox One, and PC title.
Not only did we get all these great new looks at how Styx: Master Of Shadows was created, even though it is all heavy on the audio side; we also have an official release date for the game. This is something I have been waiting to find out for some time now. Well it looks like we are going to be getting Styx: Master Of Shadows on October 7th. The same day that we are getting Alien Isolation too. Now I am going to be torn between the two but both will need to be played; just like every other game that gets released.
I'll leave you now to enjoy all of the new looks at Styx: Master Of Shadows now. There is a wealth of fun knowledge in the game design process or looks at everything here. You will need to turn on closed captions if you do not speak the base language. It is completely worth it.
Sound Design
The Team