If there is one title actually coming out this year that looks scary as hells it would be The Evil Within. This should be no shocker unless you are just now hearing about this title coming from Shinji Mikami, the mind behind bringing horror to video games, or just caught wind of the voices that will be lending to the overall experience. I hear that people follow actors more than developers now. Who'd have thought? None the less though it looks like we are going to get some great talent to add to the fear when Evil Takes Hold this October. This includes the voice of Mr. Freddy Krueger if you needed to be spoiled a bit.
Before you get all giddy screaming "Holy crap Robert Englund is going to voice The Evil Within!" you need to settle down and realize that you will be cheering a different name. I'm talking about the reboot Freddy here Jackie Earle Haley. Or Rorschach for those who need a better point of reference as, while I would disagree, most hated the newer film with the dream master. Either way, it looks like he has been the voice of Ruvik in The Evil Within. That would be the creepy ghost looking dude with the messed up face. Not too big of a difference from what he's portrayed in the past huh?
Also rounding out the mix will be one of the stars from White Chicks (Jennifer Carpenter) and Urban Legends: Final Cut (Anson Mount). Granted you might know them better as Debra Morgan/Emily Rose and Cullen Bohannan respectfully but then you may not be as versed in actor trivia or Google searches as I am. But I digress…
None the less it looks like we will have some good horror acting talent in the mix for The Evil Within even though none of them seemed to do the motion capture part of it all. Just the voice overs for each of the characters that they will be portraying; Sebastian Castellanos for Anson and Juli Kidman (Sebastian's Junior Detective partner) for Jennifer. Hey, at least she isn't working Vice again. Am I right? No chuckles there? Okay. Fine…
If you would like to see the behind the scenes shots for The Evil Within focusing on these voice actors then you can see the video below. It is the same mix that we get with most of these behind the scenes videos but it is fun to hear about all of the random noises that they had to make for the gameplay. I'm really curious to find out how you 'voice' having an itchy brain. I am sure we will hear it all when The Evil Within launches on October 14th this year for all the major players in the platform arena. That would be the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Windows. The Evil Within is just getting more and more awesome by the day if you ask me.