Microsoft has recently posted a few job listings on their website, which suspiciously looks a lot like some console building jobs. The job listings include: A Graphics Hardware Architect stating "The ideal candidate should have a broad background in 3D graphics rendering architectures and algorithms (ideally with gaming applications in mind), 3D software pipelines, and physics." As well as "a solid understanding of graphics hardware implementation, including design methodologies and production yield and cost analysis." Hmm... sounds a lot like some console work to me.
Another job titled "Senior Hardware Verification Engineer" which has Microsoft needing some "design verification and qualification of the XBox console at the component, motherboard, and system levels." As well as "test strategy discussions, develop test methodologies & plans and project-manage qualification cycles."
Could Microsoft really be making another console so soon? I thought the Kinect was supposed to give the XBox 360 another five years. What do you guys think; is it time for a next generation of consoles? Or do you think the current generation still has a lot more gas in their engines? Personally I feel torn on this subject; part of me is just psyched for a new console with what I could only assume to be the beta version of Skynet. But the other part of me loves the current generation systems right now.
Only time will tell if Microsoft is truly making a new console. As for now it's all just speculation.