A new third-person mode for Hollowbody is out there along with many other fun updates for Hollowbody too
If you have played and enjoyed all that Hollowbody had to offer up for us so far on the PC, then get ready to have a whole new way to play the game and enjoy it all again. It looks as if Headware Games has not only been working hard on improving the game through its normal patches but has added in a whole new feature for us to experience with the latest update. If you wanted more of an interactive experience for Hollowbody and see what is going on for our character, then you will be overly excited to know that we now have a way to play the game in third-person mode. Yeah, now we get to see every swing and shot our character makes along the way as well as get ready for some extra hits coming at us.
While the third-person mode is the biggest part of the update for Hollowbody, it also comes with a whole lot of other changes and updates for us to experience. New controller rumble support, camera zoom with an aim feature, and other camera changes which will allow us to move between fixed and third-person camera modes in the game. Then there are all of the other little improvements that have been made for Hollowbody to give us all a better experience to replay the whole thing once more. You can get the full list of updates and changes in this new patch that is out there, as well as a look at the new Third-Person Mode, just a bit lower down the page. Have a look and get ready to be terrified all over again if you have placed the game down for a bit already. It does look like it will be a whole lot of extra fun to have out there.
Hollowbody — Third Person Mode
Headware Games updated its survival horror short story, Hollowbody, to include a much-requested feature - a fully functioning Third Person Mode.
Players can now switch between ‘Classic’ fixed camera mode, and the new ‘Modern’ third-person iteration at will from the in-game Options menu.
Alongside the new camera system, the update brings with it a bunch of optimizations, improvements, and balances. The full patch notes can be found below.
Hollowbody Patch 9 Notes:
- Added Third Person Camera
- Added controller rumble support
- Added unique camera transitions for Third Person Mode
- Added camera zoom via aim button for Third Person Mode
- Improved camera transitions for First Person Mode
- Improved lock-on targeting in First Person Mode
- Improved enemy AI and player detection for all enemy types
- Increased Lurker movement speed and detection radius
- Improved navigation and attack logic for Hound enemy type
- Reduced core revolver ammo pickup from 6 bullets to 4
- Replaced second melee animation when using Makeshift Axe
- Reduced enemy collision size when colliding with the player, mitigating instances of enemies blocking the player in tight corridors
- Character Controller rotation moved to fixed update in tank controls and camera relative controls, mitigating stutter when turning
- Improved character movement and turning when using Classic (camera relative) controls
- Removed targeting reticule when playing in first or third-person mode
- Removed delay and animation before restoring player control when using Repair Spray
- Fixed persistent issue with run toggle unreliability
- Adjusted trigger for nightmare sequence in Sewers
- Fixed issue with cursor appearing when using keyboard or controller in menus
- Locked mouse pointer to screen center when the game window is focused
- Various visual fixes and modifications to accommodate Third and First Person modes
- Fixed issue with a black image for autosave graphic in Sewers
- Removed red overlay for save game thumbnail screenshots
- Removed motion blur post-process effect and Quality Settings toggle due to Unity's implementation causing performance issues for some users
- Split Park/Residential Street into two scenes, significantly improving load times and increasing performance on lower-end devices
- Improved loading screen transitions, mitigating full black screens when loading a new scene or save file
- Increased Sasha's run speed for the beach prologue
- Increased Mica run speed slightly for exterior and interior locations
Are you going to give Hollowbody another fun play through now that there is the new mode in the mix or was it a one-and-done title for you in the first place? Do you think this new mode will vastly improve the game experience or is it something that only a few vocal fans have pressured the developer into adding? What other features would you like to see in the game or has it hit the perfect state of it all now? Wander on down to the comment section to let us all know what you are thinking and then discuss it all. If there is more to share for Hollowbody, we will aim to do all of that here for you. Please keep on checking back in for all of those updates and the many others that are still on the way out there. You will not be disappointed by any of it, we hope.