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Strategic Dismemberment... Nuff Said
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 23rd of June 2008 - 06:20 PM ]
New Dead Space Trailer Advises Strategic Dismemberment So let me guess. You saw that title and thought "WTF? I gotta check this out." I know that's what I did when I first saw this. It is also why I clicked onto the video. (See below.) It is about what I was expecting as well. Well maybe not exactly, but I was not let down with what I got from clicking the link and watching the video. So what is this? It is a show of the game Dead Space, a little bit. Read More...
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New Fallout 3 Screens
by Andy [ Monday, 2nd of June 2008 - 07:00 PM ]
Today 3 new Fallout 3 screens have been released to the general public. So lets take a look at them: Complete and utter waste, the rendering is soooooo gooood. MY STATS, LET ME SHOW YOU THEM Holy crap, look at that leg being blown off! I gotta say I am pretty excited for this game. Read More...
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