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The Tetris Effect Is Going To Be Much More Than Syndrome Soon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 6th of June 2018 - 07:00 PM ]
Tetris Effect A new VR title is coming with Tetris Effect and Tetris Effect looks to turn the core gameplay into a 3D, immersive experience The first of the PrE3 announcements that we were promised by Son is here and it all starts off with Tetris Effect. A new title coming from Enhance Experience and looking to take this "effect" and bring it to us all in a new way on the PS4 and PSVR. That is right, Tetris Effect will have PSVR support included in at launch and we can play this traditionally 2D game in a full 3D environment. As if we did not have enough to already worry about with the dropping of blocks and clearing of lines. Read More...
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