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Spyjinx Announced From Those Who Brought Us Infinity Blade & Star Wars
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 11th of November 2015 - 10:00 PM ]
Spyjinx A new game titled Spyjinx has been announced from the people who brought us Infinity Blade, Star Wars, and Star Trek. Here's what’s known for Spyjinx As if the film industry wasn't enough, J.J. Abrams and Bad Robot have made the announcement that they are making a game called Spyjinx. Of course they are not making it on their own but teaming up with ChAIR of Infinity Blade fame to do this. Not only that but it looks like Spyjinx is going to be something that is far and away from the traditional game as much as they can get it so that it will stand on its own when it hits the PC and mobile devices sometime next year. Thankfully it is Spyjinx and not a film tie-in for his latest projects right? Read More...
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