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Battleborn Has Been Announced And It's Not About Nevada
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 8th of July 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
Gearbox and 2K Games have announced Battleborn the next-gen hero-shooter for the PS4, XB1, and PC I guess we can now understand why Gearbox has been pushing all the Borderlands spin-offs and that is to keep the money flowing in for their new IP Battleborn. As I stated this is not a title about how Nevada became part of the United States of America but a new FPS co-op title set in the distant future. Although it could be very easy to twist the whole story back into a game about Nevada but I have a good feeling that is nowhere close to what Battleborn is going to be all about. Could you imagine though? Read More...
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