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Review: Muramasa: The Demon Blade
by Michael Camacho [ Monday, 14th of September 2009 - 12:56 PM ]
It had been months since I last turned my Wii on, but that all changed with a single release for the system. Muramasa: The Demon Blade has arrived from Ignition Entertainment and I couldn’t have a better reason to utilize my Wii. Muramasa is the latest 2D Action RPG title developed by Vanilla Ware, the team behind Odin Sphere on the Playstation 2. The game revolves around two main characters, both set out on their own unique journeys. Momohime is a young princess who has had her soul forced out and body possessed by the demon Jinkuro. Read More...
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E3 Hands On Impressions of Muramasa: The Demon Blade
by Michael Camacho [ Thursday, 4th of June 2009 - 06:27 PM ]
I finally got my hands on Muramasa: The Demon Blade for the Nintendo Wii. It was developed by Vanilla Ware, the studio that did Odin Sphere on the PS2, and localized by Ignition Software. The game is beautifully animated and the amount of detail really shines, which showcases the amount of work that went into it. Presented in a 2D side scrolling format, the backgrounds and characters pop out at you. You have two playable characters, Kisuke (male) and Momohime (female), with whom you control using the Wiimote and Nunchuk. Read More...
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