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Review: Knock Knock
by Kenton Winkfield [ Wednesday, 16th of October 2013 - 10:34 PM ]
With Halloween just around the corner, I've wanted to play a creepy game. The problem with this is I can’t seem to find a game creepy enough to send chills down my spine, while not scaring me away from the game every five minutes (it's been a few months since the last time I played Amnesia). Thankfully, the fellows at the Russian development studio, Ice-Pick Lodge, have created a game to fit my personal chill levels without scaring me away. Knock Knock is a 2D side-scrolling survival game set in a single house in the middle of the woods with a single resident. The game was started by Ice-Pick Lodge when they "received an anonymous e-mail which suggested that we should produce some 'unconventional' game based upon the materials attached to the letter. Read More...
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