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It Is Time For A Few More Confessions Out There For Vorax
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 16th of August 2023 - 05:00 PM ]
Vorax New gameplay for Vorax is here for Gamescom to show how dark Vorax could be going to be out there With the start of Gamescom not too far away, it seems like it is high time to see more for Vorax once again. That does seem to be how we are getting our information from Indie Gala over here at least. Not that it is a bad thing, just something worth noting. Maybe this is why the new trailer for Vorax is called "Confession," but most likely not. Read More...
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The Horror World Is Opening Up Here With Vorax
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 29th of March 2022 - 05:00 PM ]
Vorax A new horror title, Vorax, is on the way with Vorax giving us an open world to try to survive out there The Mediterranean is about to get a little more horrifying out there with the upcoming Vorax that we have announced for the PC. This is the next title to come out of Indie Gala and will be offering us all a new Open World Survival Horror title in the mix that looks like it will be heavy on the body horror side of things. That is what I am getting here for Vorax based on the new video we have that has us all going through the sewers of the world. A set of sewers that is definitely giving us more of a reason to never want to go down into that setting. Read More...
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