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Review — Hard Reset Redux
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 5th of July 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
Hard Reset Redux We sit down and review Hard Reset Redux. It's another remaster of a classic title but it is one that needed to be done. Here's our review of Hard Reset Redux It's been some time coming but Hard Reset Redux has launched on consoles and has been given a full remaster on the PC. It only took five years for Flying Wild Hog's title made it to the PS4 and Xbox One. That is okay though as Gambitious had some great ambitions for all of this and now it has come to light. Thankfully we had a chance to sit back and give this remaster a shot from start to finish. Read More...
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Hard Reset Redux Is Here & It Is Bringing The Cyborg Apocalypse
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 3rd of June 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
Hard Reset Another new trailer for Hard Reset Redux has been released and it shows off one of the new weapons for Hard Reset that we will be dicing up enemies with That seemed to sneak up on all of us here didn't it as Hard Reset Redux has finally released on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC and now we all get to hunt down some crazy cyborgs. At least if you are going to make Flying Wild Hog and Gambitious happy by picking up the game newly remastered game. Hells, you could go one step further and pick up the original Hard Reset for 85% off because that is a thing too. Read More...
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Hard Reset Redux Brings The Over-The-Top Action To Us All Again
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 20th of May 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
Hard Reset Old FPS title Hard Reset is being brought back for us with Hard Reset Redux and is heading to PC and Consoles in a very fancy way Put on your "way back" hats as we have another old title getting brought back to us in a much better light in terms of Hard Reset Redux. Maybe you've heard of it or maybe you haven't but that doesn't change the fact that Gambitious isn't funding a nice new version of Flying Wild Hog's title from the past and bringing it right to us. In fact we can all see Hard Reset Redux hitting the PS4, Xbox One, and PC again here in short time as it is aiming to land on June 3rd. Talk about a quiet lead up and release for something that looks insanely intense. Read More...
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