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Mayhem Preview
by Andy [ Monday, 20th of July 2009 - 11:04 PM ]
With today’s entertainment industry, it’s rarely a surprise when a performer jumps ship and moves from one avenue to another. Be it a singer acting in movies or an heiress releasing an album. Okay maybe that second one wasn’t a great example but the point still stands. In the case of rappers, Ice-T, LL Cool J, and Ice Cube are just a few examples of successful musical artists who have transitioned into movie stars and following in their footsteps is Tyrese Gibson. The former model and rapper has gone on to star in a number of major films including 2 Fast 2 Furious, Flight of the Phoenix, Death Race, and Transformers and its sequel Revenge of the Fallen. But now he’s taking an unexpected turn and expanding into the world of comics. Read More...
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Never Cease To Amaze Me
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 18th of June 2008 - 05:35 PM ]
Wii Balance Board Controls WoW I figured it was only a matter of time before it happened, so here it is. The Balance Board has been "hacked" to be used to control World of Warcraft movement. Yes, you read that right. Below is the video that shows it in the works. It starts out with a bit of Google Earth footage, but then they show a gnome running around the game. The movement and camera seem to be all controlled pretty well too. Now what does this mean? Read More...
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