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Max Payne 3 details
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 16th of June 2009 - 02:22 AM ]
Wow, the dark brooding hero has put on a few pounds since last we saw him! Max Payne, who is now bald and sporting a pretty fierce beard, is back and in full force and gracing the cover of Game Informer.  Not only that, the guy is addicted to pain killers. Who didn't see that one coming? Max Payne 3 takes place in Sao Paolo, Brazil, with "fully destructible environments". Which means more stuff to shoot at and blow up.  Players will also experience "day and night cycles". Read More...
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Halo 3 Recon is 5-6 Hours Long
by Sam [ Thursday, 13th of November 2008 - 07:08 PM ]
Those who got their hands on the December issue of Game Informer might have read about the upcoming Halo 3 expansion Halo 3: Recon. The game is in fact 3-5 hours long, which is very short. The game should also be a very low price. Bungie's Joe Staten says "We do not view this at a $60 title". Hopefully $20-$30. Also mentioned is the expansion will allow users to unlock previously unlockable Recon armor, if you completed the Vidmaster Challenge Achievement. Read More...
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