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A Resident Evil 5 Pre-Order Gift
by Sam [ Sunday, 15th of February 2009 - 12:35 AM ]
Leaked info from anonymous people about Game Crazys Resident Evil 5 Pre-Order gift are now spreading through the internet, something that Capcom is supposed to announce on Tuesday. Not really a snow globe, but a sand globe of Chris and Sheva. Probably something I, and many others, were not expecting. Below is a picture of Game Crazys latest manager memo. Read More...
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Game Crazy holding Fundraiser for ill children
by Trina [ Friday, 14th of March 2008 - 08:13 PM ]
This month Game Crazy will be offerring "Game Stars" for a minimum donation of $1. All the proceeds will go to the Starlight Starbright Children's Foundation. Game Crazy will also match all customer donations with hopes of raising enough funds to provide 12 new Fun Centers to hospitals. Each Fun Center costs about $4,250 per setup and has a LCD flat panel tv, dvd player and Nintendo Wii. Of course games and movies are included also. According to CEO of Starlight Starbright Children�s Foundation, Paula Van Ness, Fun Centers give children and their families a sense of normalcy during what is an emotionally and physically difficult time. Read More...
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