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Vestiges: Fallen Tribes Sets Up A New Virtual War For Water
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 29th of December 2023 - 08:00 PM ]
Vestiges A new strategy card game, Vestiges: Fallen Tribes, has been announced with Vestiges giving a new twist to the genre There is a running theme, it would seem, that we are going to be seeing many titles in 2024 where the world is fighting over resources and Vestiges: Fallen Tribes is adding to it. This new title, coming from WanadevStudio, aims to take us into a new world where water is scarce and we are fighting over which tribe out there gets it. That caveat in Vestiges: Fallen Tribes, though, is that this is a fight that has been going on for a long time and not something that has just cropped up. Read More...
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