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The World Is Looking To Us For Guidance In Endzone 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 24th of June 2024 - 09:00 PM ]
Endzone The colony needs some new guidance in Endzone 2 and here we have a look at just what else the world of Endzone will need from us The world is always changing and it seems to be the same thing we are going to be seeing in Endzone 2. As long as we are willing to set out and do that again when Gentlymad Studios brings this sequel title to the PC when it is ready. Then we will get more of the colony-building and Sim City style gameplay out there, again, just in the Endzone universe of things. Which is why we are here again, so we can see how things have progressed and get ready with a little more of the gameplay to experience before the massive information dumps we know should be coming down the line. Read More...
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