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Soulslinger: Envoy Of Death Offers Us An Update With A Forgotten Graveyard
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 15th of April 2024 - 09:00 PM ]
Soulslinger New updates for Soulslinger: Envoy Of Death are here as we all get to further explore the Early Access for Soulslinger Get ready to take up more arms in the Early Access for Soulslinger: Envoy Of Death out there on the PC. A title that has been going strong since Elder Games dropped it out there for us all to give a whirl and is now adding in a whole lot of new things to play and explore with. As long as you like the FPS roguelite style of gameplay out there where we are a gunslinger in the afterlife just trying to get by. that is the core premise of Soulslinger as the team keeps building it all up to get us to that final build that will take us out of the Early Access. Read More...
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Leave The Dirt & Chaos Of Earth Behind With Everreach: Project Eden
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 15th of July 2019 - 07:00 PM ]
Everreach We have the reveal for Everreach: Project Eden as another action RPG is on its way to the various platforms with Everreach We can leave Earth once again, as we have Everreach: Project Eden on its way to us here in September for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Well, at least the last two will be out in September with the PS4 getting its launch a bit later on as Elder Games and Headup Games work out all of the details for that. It may sound odd at this point, but that is how it is. This is also not the point here as it is all about the announcement for Everreach: Project Eden and the bit of gameplay we have to look at for this 3rd person action RPG that will be using elements from other titles in the same vein. Read More...
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