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Operation Ground Pound Guitar Hero
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 19th of August 2008 - 08:35 PM ]
New DragonForce Guitar Hero DLC So coming this Thursday, there will be yet more YouTube videos floating about of 8 year olds going insane on their Guitar Hero controllers. Why? Because there is going to be three new downloadable songs from DragonForce on the game. That's right, now there will be 4 of their songs on the game. Get your fingers loosened up you guitar hero fiends. Oh, the songs, almost forgot. Read More...
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You Are Rock Stars!
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 23rd of May 2008 - 08:17 PM ]
Guitar Hero Expert Beats Dragonforce Record Score You have no clue how hard it was not to use the line from South Park for the title of this news article. No clue at all. But I figured I would get a bunch of hate PMs or The Hammer dropped or be called a Hater. :) (Search the blogs for the reference there. :) ) So yea, lets get on with this shin dig. Even though I have voiced a preference for Rock Band over Guitar Hero, it does not stop me from giving credit where credit is due. Read More...
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