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Demonsomnia Is Here To Spread More Of The Bodycam Horror Out There
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 6th of February 2024 - 10:00 PM ]
Demonsomnia More of the bodycam horror is on the way with Demonsomnia coming with a demo for Demonsomnia out right now We did call it from before that the bodycam style was going to be the next big craze and here we are with yet another title in the vein with Demonsomnia. A new title from Woziva that will be using the style to add to the horror but a few other fun tricks to get us all further engaged with the game. Some of it through different filters that the bodycams will have on them during the gameplay, but also with making Demonsomnia a co-op title in the mix of it all too. Not overly groundbreaking, sure, but it is a nice little extra to try to help sell us all on getting used to this look and feel in the horror world. Read More...
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