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We Are Heading Back To Rapture With A New BioShock Film
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 18th of February 2022 - 08:00 PM ]
BioShock BioShock is now getting a film adaptation to hopefully take us back into the world of BioShock once more We are all still waiting for the next big entry into the BioShock line of games, but it looks like we will not have to wait much longer to get something in general now. It has been officially announced that Netflix is now working on bringing a BioShock film adaptation to us all on their platform. When that will be is still up in the air as it sounds like they are only in the early stages of it all, but it has been announced. So, maybe it will be out there to get us all ready for the next big video game version of it all or it will be riding on the high we all have from heading back into the lighthouse once more. Read More...
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BioShock Is Getting Another Title In The List As A New Studio Is Formed
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 9th of December 2019 - 06:00 PM ]
BioShock A new BioShock title is in the works as a new studio, Cloud Chamber, is formed to take a hold of the beloved BioShock franchise It has been one long stint of time since we saw the likes of a new BioShock. I am talking a fully new on as it has been over six years since we last had a full entry into the franchise. Now we have word of a wholly new studio, Cloud Chamber, being formed by 2K Games to bring us all a new title to the franchise. Sadly, this does mean that we have another long stint to wait for a new BioShock title as it is still years in the making according to the announcement we have here too. Read More...
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