Destruction AllStars
New screenshots for Destruction AllStars are here to give us an explosive look at the destruction coming for Destruction AllStars
During the big PS5 game reveal session we had not too long ago, we had our first look at Destruction AllStars. A new demolition derby style game set in a futuristic-looking world with various other things going on. It caught the eye of some and was missed by others, sadly. Now it looks like Lucid Games is going to tease Destruction AllStars just a bit more by giving us a few more screenshots to take in and enjoy as we wait for the game to release and/or show off more video as we wait. The usual thing that happens when it comes to this time of year and proverbial loads have been blown with the announcement of video games. Just a bit different given the lack of conventions to go to now.
Not too surprising, the stills we have for Destruction AllStars here shows off more of the explosive action we might be able to expect in the game. It is hard to tell what is going on outside of all of that, but it does show us what the visual fidelity of the new console could be. All you need to do is make sure you have a screen that can run the 4K visuals and you will be able to see all of the fine details when the vehicles slam against each other as we can see here for Destruction AllStars right now. If only there was some other news to go along with this, it would better round out our day. I will take what I can for now, though.
Are you excited to see more for what Destruction AllStars is going to bring us or did you already drop it in the ignore pile for some reason? Do you think this could be to gauge interest for other titles in the same scope or will this be a one-and-done kind of experience? Do you remember the original Demolition Derby from yore or will this be what we need today? Let us and the world know what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. If there is more to share for Destruction AllStars, you know we will share it all here. Be sure to keep coming back for all of that and more.