Days Gone
A lot more gameplay for Days Gone has dropped out there and bring with it a lot more details for Days Gone to be taken in
It seems like it is the running thing as of late, but we have more gameplay for Days Gone to take in as another large-scale media event has happened for the game. We still have a month before it comes out, but it looks like that delay that Bend Studio had did exactly what we hoped for. Not that Days Gone looked horrible in the first place, it does seem to look like things have been improved from the past versions in this new gameplay. Even if some of it looks like the same stuff from before just set in a different location in the game. I will take every second of it though.
In addition to the gameplay to view, it looks like we also have a few more tidbits to absorb for Days Gone. One being the fact that the bike is going to be a larger feature than previously thought. It was already a huge one from before, but now we understand that one of the core aspects of the game will be to reclaim the stripped down parts to create a new one. All while trying to manage the fuel and storage of it. Then mix in the fact that its position will need to be remembered in Days Gone as there is no true simplified way to get back to it in game. Outside of paying others to go find it and such.
It also looks like the ecosystem of Days Gone will be as vast and "living" as expected. You can read that as we can use and exploit the enemies in the world against each other. All to add in some new tactics during your play to use the Freakers against each other or other enemies in the game. I hope that we will have our cameras ready in Days Gone too as it also sounds like Photo Mode may be in the game from the start too. Although that has yet to be truly confirmed. You can see what we are talking about down below.
Days Gone — 8 Things You Didn’t Know About
Ian Higton has been hands-on with three full hours of Days Gone PS4 Pro gameplay. Find out 8 things you didn't know about Days Gone gameplay and watch over 15 minutes worth of brand new Days Gone footage.
Days Gone — Gameplay
Are you excited to play Days Gone or do you still need more to get fully ready for it all? How do you feel about the need to find your bike parts throughout the game and will it make perfect sense when we get to experience it in game? Do you want there to be a Photo Mode in the game or does that not even matter to you? Let us all know down in the comments and then discuss. When we have more to share for Days Gone, we will share it all here. Just be sure to keep coming back to the site so you can keep as up to date as possible.