Video Games
A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here's a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site
What a week in video games we just had huh? So many amazing announcements and updates we had that I am still trying to recover before the Halloween parties get into full swing. It's going to be hard with all the Final Fantasy XV and Resident Evil 7 announcements and videos we had. That is only the tip of it all as Watch Dogs 2 had quite a bit and that isn't even digging into the Dishonored 2 stuff that we had this week. All before most of these video games are going to come to market and astound us…or let us down. We are a fickle bunch out here aren't we?
Now that we have these video games out of the way it is time for us to look on to the future. Or at least next week. We have wrapped up a few of the reviews that we had on our burners so be on the lookout for all of those as we get them off the plate. We need to do this as we have so many more video games on the way here in the coming weeks and we don't want to get too far behind. As always, we are small but strong and we are going to do what we can. If you are interested in helping out feel free to email us and we'll see what we can get going. Gods know we need it.
As with every other week now here is our list of video games we were able to cover in the news for the week. Have fun reading through all of it and hopefully you'll learn something you didn't know before. Until next week, have fun with all of those video games and Happy Gaming All!
- Batman: The Telltale Series Is Ushering In The New World Order Here
- Watch Dogs 2 Wants To Welcome Us To San Francisco Again
- How Ready Are You For What Dishonored 2 Has To Dish Out
- In Resident Evil 7 Green Herb Will Make You Immortal But Not Like The Enemies
- It Is Time To Get To Know Dishonored 2's Emily Kaldwin A Bit Better
- Bang…Bang… A New Titanfall 2 Trailer To Make Us All As One
- Free PlayStation & Xbox Video Games Coming November 2016
- A Moogle A Day Will Keep The Bad Guys Away In Final Fantasy XV
- It Looks Like Evolve Most Likely Won't Reach Stage 3 Now
- Things Get Ominous As Final Fantasy XV Has Gone Gold…But In A Good Way
- Robinson: The Journey Aims To Give Us That Childhood Wonder Again
- Hell Is Following Us In The New DOOM Multiplayer DLC
- It Looks Like All Of Kingdom Hearts Is Back In One Big Package For Us
- A New Game Announced, Stray, Gives Us A Feel For What A Lost Dog Goes Through
- Dress To Kill In Dead Rising 4 With A Load Of Costumes