The Technomancer
The E3 trailer for The Technomancer has been released and this time we get a view of The Technomancer's Mars and the life that it has taken on
Joining into the mix of titles getting a specific E3 trailer here is The Technomancer. Another title that should have been a given since Spiders is pumping it out here on June 28th for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC so you'd think they would want to get it right out there. Not that we haven't seen a whole lot on The Technomancer up to now but now we have another fun trailer to show off just what the game's version of Mars has become. That would be the setting for the game for all of those who happen to only be hearing about the game right now. For shame but welcome to the fun.
As I said, here we have a good look at The Technomancer's Mars in what feels like a pre-rendered trailer for the game. I am assuming pre-rendered here as up until now the visuals for the game based on the gameplay haven't been to the level that we have here. Then again this could just be in-engine cut scenes that have been given the "E3 Face Lift" to entice us all for when the game actually launches. It's not like any other companies out there do that kind of thing; right? Who could be that dishonest and such?
The Technomancer — E3 Trailer
If anything here we do get to see how Mars in The Technomancer has devolved into a fun Mad Max-like planet to survive and enjoy. There may be fewer vehicles and explosions along the way but that is definitely the feel I get from this trailer for the game's world. That is pretty much Mars in a nutshell and then add in all the "warring" over water and there we go. It's just the protagonist has super powers and training in combat that looks to set it all apart here. I'll buy it though.
What do you think of The Technomancer here though? Do you get the same feel as I do for the game or am I just reaching here? Do you think this is all pre-rendered here or is this actual gameplay that makes up this trailer? Let us know what you think and feel free to discuss in the comments below. For more on The Technomancer and everything that Focus Home Interactive has to bring us be sure to keep your attentions here on the site. We'll bring you every tidbit we can get our hands on for the game.