Another Batman title has been announced out of The Game Awards; the difference is that this Batman title will be an episodic adventure
So many other developers have had their shot at the Batman franchise and now it looks like another one will get the same chance. In what was one of the more shocking announcements, to me, during The Game Awards it looks like Telltale Games is working on their own Batman game for our pleasure. Currently that is the only title and no subtitles so it may get a little weird as we move into 2016 but know that Batman is coming…again… Only this time in an episodic adventure for the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PC, and Mac.
Details are about as sparse as they come for Batman here as it has been just announced but it looks like we will get to truly be the bat in this little story. According to what we have from Telltale Games Batman will take us into the life and mind of Bruce Wayne and his alter ego. We will be tasked with saving Gotham City as usual but as is the normal way here, Batman will have some tough choices that will show how hard some of these villains make Bruce's life. I am guessing there will be at least one save this or that person choice in Batman.
Batman — A Telltale Games Series Announcement
This iteration of Batman will give fans a first-hand opportunity to dive deeper into the complex life and mind of Bruce Wayne, the duality of his own identity, and the struggle of responsibility in saving a city overcome with corruption and villainy.
Just as I mentioned I was shocked by the announcement and very interested to see how the story will play out here for Batman. I am also curious if it will be based on any story line so far from the new or old comics or if Telltale Games will be crafting a truly new story just for Batman. There is so much to work from so far and the mental issues Bruce has mixed with the overall themes of insanity the franchise holds could make Batman another home-run hit for the developer. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. That and hope the voice acting selections live up to all of the other Batman titles we have.
What do you think about Batman here? Do you think we need another story franchise here for the caped crusader? Doesn't Telltale Games have enough on their plate already to be tapping into the Batman franchise? Do you think this will be more of a Warner Bros. title with the developer's flare? Let us know what you think in the comments and share with the world. As more information comes out for this Batman title we will have it all here for you so be sure to keep checking in for those updates. I have a feeling this will be one we don't want to miss out on.