Mighty No. 9
A new trailer for Mighty No. 9 has been released and it gives a basic overview of the new gameplay modes coming with Mighty No. 9 when it launches next year
We've been waiting patiently for more on Mighty No. 9 and the other game modes that will help with the replay aspect that all games really need. We've waited and now it looks like comcept and Deep Silver are ready to give us a bit more insight into what else is coming with Mighty No. 9 outside of a great looking core game. That alone should have us all replaying Mighty No. 9 over and over but we all know that gamers out there are never truly satisfied if they don't have what seem to be endless options in there game. Mighty No. 9 looks to deliver on that though.
From the sounds of it though it looks like there will be more modes in Mighty No. 9 than we have here but we do have a nice start. For instance there will be a "Boss Rush" mode that will go on a back-to-back killing spree of all of the bosses in Mighty No. 9 in one sitting. Then there is a "Challenge Mode" that adds new and unique challenges to the levels you are already playing all to test your skills. There is also what is called "Maniac Mode" that has you playing Mighty No. 9 where one hit kills you and leads to game over. I see that being just a bitch in a game like this but comcept hopefully knows what they are doing.
We also get a nice little look at the co-op challenge mode and Online Race Battle mode for Mighty No. 9 in the below trailer but details are not handed out as freely here as they are for the other modes. I am pretty sure that their names kind of explain them away but I thought I'd throw that notice in there for good measure. Either way though, Mighty No. 9 looks like it is going to do what was set out for and I can't wait to get a chance to play it on February 9th next year. So long to wait but it should be very worth it.
Mighty No. 9 — Bring It
What do you think of these new modes for Mighty No. 9 that we have now? Do you think that anyone can truly beat the Maniac Mode outside of comcept or do you think it will just be a bane to all gamers out there? Do you think that we will see more for Mighty No. 9 in terms of add-on modes as we progress past the release? Let us know what you think in the comments below and feel free to discuss it all. When/if Deep Silver has more to give us for Mighty No. 9 we will have it here for you so be sure to stay locked into the site for more as we get ever closer to Mighty No. 9 releasing.