Last week we had a nice look at the new environment design for Rise Of The Tomb Raider. Crystal Dynamics will be taking us on a lovely romp through Russia in the next game so we know it is going to be filled with all kinds of snow and dangerous locations for Lara to get into trouble. Sadly then that was really all we had to go with outside of a few little clips from videos past. That is no more as now we have some fresh Rise Of The Tomb Raider screenshots to look at that includes all of those harsh, cold environments as well as what looks like a nice warm desert scene.
Sadly though, this is about where all of our updates for Rise Of The Tomb Raider end as there was no information passed along with said screenshots. I think all of that was handled in that interview we spoke of and we are just now getting those locations shown off a bit more. I could be wrong but none the less we have screenshots for Rise Of The Tomb Raider. Maybe Square Enix or Crystal Dynamics will throw out a bit more as week goes on but I think things may be a bit cold on that front as we've already been given a bit.
Have a look at those Rise Of The Tomb Raider for now though.
See what I mean by having a nice little warm location in the mix. It actually looks like Rise Of The Tomb Raider may be taking us back into the areas of the world that Lara has been known for in the past and in some of the more recent Tomb Raider spin-off titles that are holding over all the non-Xbox gamers out there. I smell Egypt but that of course is just me. Do you think Rise Of The Tomb Raider may take us back there? Share your thoughts in the comments and then scourer the internet for more clues in regards to Rise Of The Tomb Raider.