Thus concludes week one in the insanity of video game releases. We've had a plethora of titles just drop and many more in the coming weeks leading up to December. Hells, we even had two reviews this week for #killallzombies and Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare here and have yet to even scratch the surface of all the titles that have been causing a stir in the video game industry. Yes, that is a slight jab at Assassin's Creed there but we'll leave the heavy stuff for all of those other outlets who can trash talk and not worried about getting black balled in the industry.
Moving on to what we did have here though in the way of video game news.
It would be odd not to mention the excitement again for Escape Dead Island and Far Cry 4 here as we've covered them quite a bit here this week. We also got word that there is going to be a new video game award show in Las Vegas, NV to try and give us all something reputable but I personally don't have high hopes as they all really turn into just really long commercials. Lastly here, even though there was much more, we had yet another delay for Bloodborne but hopefully that will be a good thing in the end.
Look at me gabbing on about all of this when you should be clicking through and checking all that video game news for yourself. Get to click y'all and happy gaming!
- WWE 2K15 New My Career Details
- The Game Awards Have Been Announced Because We Need Another One…
- More Support For Evolve In The Way Of Cabot
- Just Like The Gameplay, Escape Dead Island Is Sneaking Up On Us
- Looks Like We Are Getting Just Cause 3… Just Cause
- Review: #killallzombies
- Here's Your Collector's Edition For The Order: 1886
- Now Here's Everything You Need To Know For Far Cry 4
- Bloodborne Has Been Delayed To March
- See How Resident Evil Revelations 2 Is Going To Handle In Your Hands
- Review: Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare [Campaign]
- Review: Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare [Multiplayer]
- We Got A New Tales From The Borderlands Trailer For You
- Escape Dead Island Is Smashing Its Way Out Next Week
- These Cops In Battlefield Hardline Are Ruthless Yet Awesome