If you were looking forward to playing Bloodborne on February 6th then it is time for you to get let down. It looks like the game has now been delayed in making its PS4 debut until March 24th of 2015. Just under two month extra that you will have to wait, that's all. Could be a lot worse like six months or a year so you might want to calm down on the canceling of the pre-orders and all.
The news about Bloodborne's delay comes from the PlayStation Blog where no real reason why has been given as to the delay. There is mention of feedback from the Alpha test that occurred, you can see some of that video below, but not as to what has caused the delay directly. Not even the bullshit phrase of "Need To Add Polish" has been listed. This to me reads that they saw a very crappy title in the works and that some drawing board was required to help fix the issue.
I see this as a great thing here. Bloodborne looked plagued with many issues back when I saw it at E3 and even in the recent alpha footage it looks like there are even more issues we didn't get to see. I really hope they fix the retardababy (haven't used that in a while) Halloween jump scares of the enemies in Bloodborne but I have a feeling that won't be touched. There would need to be some serious development time need to fix that glaring issue with Bloodborne. Or I'm the only one who saw issue with it and they won't fix it just for me.
Bloodborne — Standard Class
None the less we will be seeing Bloodborne on March 24th now here in the US. Seeing as there has been no word on the delay happening in the Japanese region I'll go on a limb and say this really has something to do with servers and the online aspect of Bloodborne. They were aiming for a worldwide release before but they just may have figured out that PlayStation isn't going to be able to handle it and keep the quality of Bloodborne up to snuff unlike other titles that have recently been released.