X-Men: Destiny Is Going To Be Filled With Teenage Angst

Funny thing is I'd be bitterer about the thing that was forcing the label on me, the mutant power. Her power, from what has been given so far, is that she specializes in efficient mutant power usage. Outside of being given the stereotypical "acrobatic" and "graceful" fighting style associated with her culture, she can pretty much tell others how to use their powers. Man, if I was 15 and I was persecuted for that, I would be bitter and angry.

Also in the mix here is a shot of Colossus and Gambit. Two people who have some real issues to go along with real powers and reasons for the persecution. Then again, this is a very small bio for the young mutant. Maybe she will grow up like Jubilee and somehow the fear will be warranted.

X-Men: Destiny X-Men: Destiny X-Men: Destiny X-Mean: Destiny