I Can't Live Because Of You NCSoft

Craig claimed NCSoft should pay unspecified monetary damages because of how addicting the game is. Craig also claimed that he has play Lineage II for over 20,000 hours between 2004 – 2009 and because of that he is “unable to function independently in usual daily activities such as getting up, getting dressed, bathing or communicating with family and friends.” Oh, that's not all as Craig also claims that he would not have played Lineage II if he was aware “that he would become addicted to the game”

U.S District Judge Alan Kay has said, “In light of plaintiff's allegations, the court finds that plaintiff has stated a claim for both negligence and gross negligence.” You can find more on Kay's ruling here.

My Take:

So, are we allowed to sue just about every single video game company just because they change the way we function? I am not sure if Craig will win the case, but I will say that this is probably one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. I mean really? Can the 11 millions of World of Warcraft players sue Blizzard for making a MMO that is WAY too addicting? Or how about we just go ahead and sue Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft for making consoles that are too addicting not turn off. Is video gaming addicting? Sure. It can be if you are into a game that you want to beat. But at some point you have to realize that you do need to put down the controller/keyboard and mouse and go out and interact with those close to you. Prioritize your life in a way where it does not affect your life in a way where you can't function like Craig claims. Can't get up, get dressed or shower because of a video game? Look, I am not saying that what he is doing is not correct, but again what are the chances he will win this case.