A month or two ago, it was announced that someone had figured out how to crack the PS3 to allow for home-brews and "pirated"/backed up PS2 and PS3 games to be played on the system. It was not explained how for a week or two after the announcement that it could be done in a way that could not be patched. But this isn't the news here.
The news here is that Sony, after stating it wouldn't, is going to force "Fat" PS3 owners to update so they can no longer install another OS on the system. An ability that has been used by some to use the PS3 for other things besides play PS3 games and access the PSN. Something I will admit I have never even dipped a toe into. I've never had a need to.
In the end, according to Sony, this update is to battle a "security concerns" for the system and network. Which I read as, "Oh shit! There is an issue we can not fix that some 'hacker' pointed out. Let's get rid of the opening." It could be something grander, but this is how it seems to me.
To me, this is a necessary evil that Sony has to do. Why? Because people are greedy and don't want to support the titles and companies that make their favorite games. They just want stuff for free. Which I can respect to an extent. I mean with certain over priced DLC raping the bank accounts of fans, I can see the excuse. But not when it comes to making it easily available to rip a game and play it without anything going to the teams that work their asses off to make a full title.
The funniest part about all of this is that I am sure that had people been quiet about "hacking" the PS3, Sony would not have even thought about removing the option from Fat PS3s. But the hubris and need for recognition is great in humans I guess, so word spread and now the company that is offended is striking back. If only people would leave well alone and not worry about making their equipment do things it was not legally intended to do. All to sate someone's greed and pride.
In any instance, Sony has given the fair warning to all PS3 users that the firmware update will be out on April 1st and that it will not be an April Fool's joke. Users who do not wish to update to the new firmware can expect to loose the following to occur until they update.
- Ability to sign in to PlayStation Network and use network features that require signing in to PlayStation Network, such as online features of PS3 games and chat
- Playback of PS3 software titles or Blu-ray Disc videos that require PS3 system software version 3.21 or later
- Playback of copyright-protected videos that are stored on a media server (when DTCP-IP is enabled under Settings)
- Use of new features and improvements that are available on PS3 system software 3.21 or later
Yay hackers for ruining it for everyone that used the option for more legal and respectful means. Yay Sony for not sitting back and letting themselves get screwed for someone's hubris.