The price for these five maps is a ridiculous $15, or 1200 Microsoft Points. If anyone may recall, the only map pack released for Modern Warfare was four maps for only $10, or 800 MS Points. So you are paying $5 more for one extra map, and two of them you can play for free in the first game.
If that's not enough of a kick in the balls to the Modern Warfare 2 fans, the PlayStation 3 and PC owners get kicked in the stomach while down. Why is this? The XBox 360 will be receiving the content exclusively for a currently undetermined amount of time.
So who is actually benefiting from this so called "Stimulus Package"? Seems like Activision's wallet is the only one seeing any of the upside to this. If you haven't already gone back to the original Modern Warfare, or jumped ship to Battlefield: Bad Company 2, after all the hacking and glitching, you may want to after reading this.
Almost forgot. For those who blindly follow the franchise like sheep and insist on handing Bobby Kotick more and more money, this will be available for download on March 30th through XBox Live.