They created a brand new engine in which they call the Civ V engine. It doesn't have a name because it is brand new. If you are wondering, no there was not a demo to be played. It was a quick presentation of what the game is all about. The HUD has changed a bit, but not too much where Civ fans should get angry about. The battle grid went from squares to hexagons. Which is nice so your units will have more flow when moving from one area to another. The new engine also showed how detailed the landscapes is designed. From the mountains to the forests to the plains, it all looked really nice. The AI is smarter in which is no surprised especially with todays technology.
In the short presentation that they gave, everything was in alpha built so it wasn't much that they showed us and we were not allowed to take any videos, pictures or anything other form of digital media. So stay tuned when we received more information about Civilization V in the coming weeks. Maybe we will get a hand-on demo at E3 in Los Angeles.
p.s. Yes the picture is from Civ IV....bite me!
p.s.s. Yes I could have "borrowed" pictures from other sites but I wanted to take pictures of 2K games presenting the games.