A Light Drizzle: Precursor to Heavy Rain If the anticipation for the emotionally gut-wrenching title, Heavy Rain, wasn't already evident, there are now some special incentives for those who are seeking to pre-order the game.

The Heavy Rain Chronicles, which will be normally priced at $4.99 for each episode, are separated into three individual portions. The first titled, "The Taxidermist,” will be made available for free for those who pre-ordered when the game drops. "The Taxidermist" will revolve around journalist Madison Paige tracking down a serial killer. It is more or less an expanded version of the demo used to showcase the title last year.

Additionally, each chronicle will be a stand-alone story featuring one of Heavy Rain’s main characters. The story will either take place before or after the main game and will have that same branching element to the story and gameplay.

Seeing as how the stand-alone chronicles are only $4.99, pre-ordering the game based on this particular treat might not be for everyone. With such hype, and in my opinion deservingly so, this is just an added bonus to a title I was going to pre-order anyway.