Call of Duty Movie Gets Trademarked

The tweet is here:

The trademark filing is here:

This leads to a bigger question: Why? I don't understand why film companies don't get that films and games shouldn't mix due to the fact that you are either stretching out a 1-2 hour movie into a 8-10 hour game or are compressing an 8-10 hour game into a 1-2 hour movie. While a Call of Duty movie maybe completely unrelated to any of its games, it raises the question: Why make a movie when the COD:MW2 trailers are much better than anything that either Xavier Gens or Uwe Boll has ever done?

Some video game movies have been decent when they depart from following the video game canon (Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, Mortal Kombat) and some have not (Hitman, Super Mario Bros, House of the Dead) so it will be interesting to see if a Call of Duty movie follows one of the games or is just a general war movie that shares the name with the game.

Tekken, King of Fighters, and Prince of Persia have movies coming out with Clock Tower, Gears of War, and Dead Space having movies in pre-production. Games like Army of Two, BioShock, and Mass Effect have all had movies proposed to be based on them, but it seems to me as if making all these great games into horrible movies will tarnish their reputation.

Something guaranteed to be better than every single video game movie combined comes out Nov 10th, 2009 for the XBox 360, PS3, and PC