Jeez, the PSP Go! isn't even out yet and rumors are abound that there could be yet another version by August of 2010. This time from the Japanese and spinning from a comment on how Sony is thinking of making a cell phone with the capabilities of the Sony Ericsson phones and the PSP. But they have a little bit more they use to actually make this rumor have an ounce of possibility to it.
In this prediction, it is brought up about the capabilities of the iPhone and iPod Touch. Also basing it all off the flash memory and smaller format the Go! is taking. Which makes sense. Look at the iPod Touch and see how it can do everything the iPhone can except make phone calls from it without the need of a WiFi hotspot. Something the Go! is completely capable of from a technical stand point. There makes no sense that they couldn't add in phone capabilities within a year of launch.
That all said, it is still rumor and nothing solid from Sony or anyone else within the entire know. It would be kind of nice to get all of that in one little package. Which was what I was hoping for when the first iPhone came out.
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