Wizards of the Coast gave us all some big D&D updates out there to show us all where D&D will be going in the future
Big news arrived on August 18, 2022, with Wizard Presents outlining plans from Wizards of the Coast regarding the future of both Magic The Gathering and Dungeons & Dragons. Guided by Sydnee Goodman, Jimmy Wong, and Ginny Di, the over an hour-long YouTube presentation teased and tantalized with news of MtG new releases for 2023 and the exciting direction Dungeons & Dragons will be taking as we rapidly approach the 50th anniversary of the beloved hobby. Focusing on the D&D news, let’s look at the bright future for our hobby.
Wizards Presents 2022 - Dungeons & Dragons | Magic: The Gathering
Code name One D&D 2024
D&D Beyond, D&D Digital, Rules
“We did a smart thing with fifth edition, by listening to the fans and what came out of that process was a system that is stable, that is well loved, that incorporates the best elements of earlier editions. Now that we have that, we are no longer in the position where we think of D&D as an edition. It’s Just D&D.” -The Chris Perkins
Rather than a 5.5 or 6th edition, Wizards are focusing on building on the fifth edition, rather than trying to replace a rules edition that has revitalized the game and helped to make it more accessible to countless players around the world. WotC is moving to utilize the partnership with D&D Beyond, to provide a platform for revised versions of the core rulebooks – Players Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual. Being backward compatible with fifth edition, these materials will offer more options and variety to augment gameplay and player options without completely undermining past game book purchases and the feel of the game. Creating a method to update rules, produce new materials and keep timely in general game space helps to maintain and timeliness to the needs of DMs and players alike.
In addition to D&D Beyond and the offering of physical and digital bundles, Wizards is also in the process of creating D&D Digital, a virtual play space built using the Unreal Engine. Thought and creativity is going into the creation of this tool, such as utilizing a tilt-shift camera view, so users recognize this isn’t a video game, but a virtual 3D table, where terrain and miniatures are viewed and moved in real-time, just as if players were sitting at a table.
(Note – wondering how this experience will possibly interact with VR and Metaverse experiences. Using the Unreal Engine creates the possibility of stepping into a truly 3D interactive environment of gameplay!)
As Wizards moves forward on One D&D, players new and old will have an ability to help to shape the future of the game by engaging with playtest materials through Unearthed Arcana pdfs. Providing feedback on these design elements and tests are crucial in ensuring voices are heard and that if material suggests are not in line with the enjoyment or vision of gameplay, that these constructive criticisms are heard. The first playtest content is available now – Character Origins. There will be an article going up soon discussing the material and our thoughts on the direction of One D&D.
Consolidating these three elements – rules, D&D Beyond and D&D Digital, WotC is really looking at an evolution of the Dungeons & Dragons experience and setting the groundwork for the future of the hobby. In keeping both with the accessibility, but also the timeless elements of gameplay, those just now entering the hobby, or who find their way here in the future will truly have a welcoming place in the legacy of Dungeons & Dragons.
New Releases
Other news released in the broadcast discussed future releases for 2023. Starting with the celebration of the timeless hero Drizzt, whose 35th anniversary is coming and with-it new covers on eBooks and audiobooks, a Legend of Drizzt Visual Dictionary as well as a new weekly webcomic. The web, created by artist Ryan LeCount, writer Purpah, and with consideration to R.A. Salvatore, this will be an interesting dive into the legacy of two of Forgotten Realms heroes, Drizzt and Catti-brie. The story will center around their daughter, Brie, who “borrows” her father’s sword Twinkle and embarks on her own adventures. If it is anything like Suitor Armor, it will be a real treasure.
Spelljammer – Adventures In Space (Out Now)
This gorgeous three-book collection was released this week. Still haven’t had a chance to deep dive into the content but will be writing about it soon. The hype is strong for this set, as it’s been a fan favorite for decades and offers unique storytelling opportunities for DMs and players alike.
Dragonlance – Shadow Of The Dragon Queen (Digital Release November 22, Physical Release December 6, 2022)
“Skies darkened by dragon wings. This is D&D telling a war story. That’s really something that we grabbed on to and wanted to use as one of the defining features for fifth edition’s in some ways reimagining but also returning to the Dragonlance setting.” -F. Wesley Schneider (Senior Game Designer)
Dragonlance is finally returning to D&D. Fans have known things were brewing on the horizon when it was announced that a new trilogy from the amazing team of Weiss and Hickman would be coming out, with the first novel Dragons of Deceit now available. The Wizards design team is looking to flesh out and update the setting to meet the needs of fifth edition players. It should prove interesting to see how the material expands to incorporate the stories of player characters into the War of the Lance.
With the announcement of the new Dragonlance setting book was also news of a companion board game, from the creative minds of Rob Daviau and Steven Baker, which will offer an opportunity for players to incorporate a “unique mass battle experience” with the roleplay of D&D.
There was further teasing of titles for 2023:
- Keys From The Golden Vault (Winter 2023)
- Bigby Presents Glory Of The Giants (Spring 2023)
- Phandelver Campaign (Summer 2023)
- The Book Of Many Things (Fall 2023)
- Planescape (Fall 2023)