So it almost seems that EA is trying to get totally behind any and all IPs it pumps out to market. By totally behind I'm talking the Film, comics, and pre-planed sequel to Dead Space. All the DLC plans for Mirror's Edge. It's arena in PSHome. This also seems to be no different for there next big IP, Dante's Inferno.
Why? Because they just unleashed plans to make a PSP version of the game that will launch side by side with the large console version of the game. No word on if this is going to be a scaled version of the bigger game or just an extra content type game, kind of how Chain of Olympus was for God of War. You know, just filling in the gaps or showing off extra things that couldn't or weren't seen in the larger game. My money is on the latter there.
It is good to see a company trying to get behind their product though. Even though it might be a way to sap an extra few bucks from fans of the franchises to see and experience the worlds their are making, it also shows that they have faith that their product will be good enough to spend millions on these extras. I know so far I have not been let down by the titles they have placed their "faith" into. (No that is not a Mirror's Edge joke.)
EA Redwood Shores' Dante's Inferno Coming to Sony's PlayStation Portable Alongside PLAYSTATION 3 and Xbox 360
Guildford, UK – April 22, 2009 – Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: ERTS) today announced that its highly anticipated action adventure game Dante's Inferno™ will be coming to the PSP® (Sony PlayStation® Portable). Based on part one of Dante Alighieri's classic, "The Divine Comedy," EA's Dante's Inferno will also take players on an epic adventure through Dante's famously mapped nine circles of hell. Dante's Inferno will be available simultaneously for the PSP, the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system and the Xbox 360® videogame and entertainment system next year.
Dante's Inferno for the PSP is being developed by EA's award-winning EA Redwood Shores studio and Artificial Mind and Movement (A2M), based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
"Our team and the team at A2M are taking the vision for Dante's Inferno and translating it directly to the PSP," said Jonathan Knight, executive producer and creative director on Dante's Inferno. "PSP owners can expect to get the same level of fast, responsive gameplay through all nine detailed and unique circles of hell we are aiming to achieve on the consoles."
Alighieri's "Dante's Inferno" is widely credited for being the work that has defined the western world's contemporary conception of hell and purgatory. Just like the poem, players of EA's 3rd person action adventure game will descend through all nine circles of hell: limbo, lust, gluttony, greed, anger, heresy, violence, fraud and treachery, playing as Dante as they battle through a gauntlet of unimaginable evils, fighting to recapture the soul of his beloved Beatrice.
Dante's Inferno has not yet been rated by PEGI. For more information about Dante's Inferno, please visit www.dantesinferno.com.
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