Another game, Decimated, is coming to us with Decimated offering up another style of role-playing game out there
Those that have been looking to experience another title where you can play as a cyborg, get ready to be Decimated. Well, get ready to play it instead, as this is an upcoming title from Fracture Labs that will have us doing that on the PC. More than just that, but Decimated will offer up various other things to experience in the role-playing aspect too. Just stating the cyborg part is catchier than anything and I am sure it has you locked in and looking down at the following trailer we have for the game. If not, it will also help to let you know that there is a free-to-play demo on the way to better sell it over just videos here.
The video does not highlight it all that much, but Decimated is a survival role-playing game where we will go through all of the roles from cyborg to human out there in this cyberpunk world. We will need to scavenge loot, move things about the world, and hunt down some creatures out there too. That is how the description of things for Decimated lists things out too. Even if it is not fully shown in the mix of the video we have just below. You can have a look and see more of all of that for yourself, but it is a little odd to not have much of that to my view. Maybe I will need to rewatch it all and get ready for something a bit deeper.
Decimated — Trailer
Independent game development studios Fracture Labs is launching their free-to-play demo game, Decimated soon on Steam.
Decimated is a 3rd person survival role-playing game where players can choose to play a variety of roles as a human or cyborg.
In Decimated, players can choose to fight against or team up with other players, scavenge loot, transport cargo or VIPs to other locations, collect legal or illegal resources and trade them, hunt legendary creatures, capture territory, and build safe houses for their gang.
- Salvage resources
- Technology and digital currency
- Repair vehicles, build bases, fortify shelters
- Hunt, ambush, loot, and trade
- Multiplayer 3rd person combat
- 3 classes with special abilities
- Grenades, jetpacks, hover/land vehicles & AI
Are you interested in seeing what Decimated will offer up down the line or is it all a little too light on things to make that opinion right now? Do you think the setting and other elements listed are enough to sell the game here or do you need solid gameplay first? Do you fear hearing that we are going to get many escort missions added in or is that just going to be one option of mission? Let the world know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. If we have anything more for Decimated, we will share it all on the website and the other socials we have.