While there is no confirmation on when the US will get their version of the FFXIII demo, the Japanese got one with the re-release of Advent Children, and only rumors of such a thing, what are we outside of Japan to do? Outside of try to find videos of the demo on youtube, or fuzzy screen shots of said demo, or poor translations from blogs about said demo, or well I could go on and on but I won't. But hopefully you get the point there.
Well we are kind of in luck if the "Special Look" at FFXIII on the BluRay US version of the game turns out to be just another trailer for the game. That is, we can get looks at those aforementioned screen captures from poorly translated sites. Although this time, we luck out that it is from Famitsu so the quality is not too bad. Which is nice since they are showcasing what the battle system looks like in the game as well as a few extra added in shots to tantalize all the Final Fantasy fans just a bit more.
Below is the link as well as thumbs of the screens. Just click them to get a nicer, bigger shot of the image.
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